The Force Recipe
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Beer And Ale Recipes, Cocktails, Free Mixed Drink/Beverage. How To Make Cocktail | |
The Force
Recipe Ingredients 1.75 liters Everclear 24 cans Busch Light Lager 4 cans Lemon concentrate 4 cans Red Bull Mixing Instruction Begin by pouring in six cans of Bush Light, mixing in 1/4 of the total Everclear as you pour. Next add one can Red Bull and one can of lemon concentrate. Continue this process three more times until all ingredients are mixed into the punch. Stir the entire time to ensure thorough mixing.Finished batch should taste mostly of Red Bull, but be advised that it is fairly powerful, hence the name.Serve in the standard sized party cup, but be prepared to make several batches because one batch is only enough to feed the smallest of parties.Large amounts of Aristocrat Vodka or other vodka can be substituted for Everclear if you want to be a cheapass about it; but in order to maintain the kick you have to use at least twice the ammount. |
Category Beer And Ale |
Any use of the content provided here is the sole responsibility of the user. We do not provide any guarantee that use of any information provided here website will not pose any harm to the user. Users must be adults of legal drinking age. Remember! Alcohol causes harmful effect on your health. Enjoy free mixed drinks recipes, non alcoholic mix. | |
The Force
The Force
Recipe |
The Force