Zimaray Recipe
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Cocktails Recipes, Cocktails, Free Mixed Drink/Beverage. How To Make Cocktail | |
Recipe Ingredients 1 Splash Rose's Lime Juice 0.5 Zima 1 shot Tanqueray Gin Mixing Instruction Order a bottle of Zima, a double shot of Tangurey Gin, some Rosie's Lime juice on the side, and an extra 12oz glass with ice. Mix 1/2 bottle of the Zima with 1 shot of Gin add a splash of lime juice.(you can vary the amount of ingrediants to taste.)Stir.Drink.repeat with rest of ingredients when done.This drink cannot be made in some states. Some states have Liquer laws that say 1 person cannot oreder more than 2 drinks at a time for himnself. This is considered 3 drinks - 1 bottle and 2 single shots (the double Tangurey = 3 drinks.)Other states have a law that says only tha bartender can mix a drink. Since your ordering a seprate glass and pouring ingredients into it, this is technically considered |
Category Cocktails |
Any use of the content provided here is the sole responsibility of the user. We do not provide any guarantee that use of any information provided here website will not pose any harm to the user. Users must be adults of legal drinking age. Remember! Alcohol causes harmful effect on your health. Enjoy free mixed drinks recipes, non alcoholic mix. | |
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