Cafe Brutlot Recipe

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Cafe Brutlot
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Cafe Brutlot Recipe Ingredients
2 Peel Of Orange
6 Lumps Sugar
8 oz. Brandy
2 Peel Of Lemon
1 4 " Cinnamon
1 Quart Coffee
2 oz. Curacao
8 Whole cloves
Mixing Instruction
A distinctive version from Brennan's; a New Orleans resturant. Combine spices, peels, and sugar in brulol or 2-quart chafing- dish pan; mash with ladle. Add brandy and curacao; stir; ignite with long match. Ladle flaming spirits back and forth from pan to bowl, creating the effect of a column of fire. When sugar is dissolved, gradually add hot coffee, stirring until flames burn out. Strain into brulot or demitasse cups.
Drink Category

Glass Type:
Irish Coffee Cup Glass
Cafe Brutlot - Mixed Drink Recipes

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Cafe Brutlot Drink. Cafe Brutlot Recipe

Cafe Brutlot

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